Сочинился вот такой беретик.
Для желающих повторить составила схему:
Materials. 70g Alize Bahar (100% Cotton, 260 m / 100 grams)
With smaller circular needle CO 108 sts. Pm and join in the rnd.
Ribbing setup rnd: {k1, p1} rep around.
Work in est rib for 3 cm.
Setup rnd: Switch to larger circular needle. Evenly add 52 sts in the round. Work rnds 1-57 of Wavy patt, following the chart.
Switch to dpns when work becomes too tight on the circular needle. End with 8 sts.
Next rnd: {k2tog}rep around ( 4sts).
Remove stitch marker. Slip all 4 sts onto 1 dpn and work 4 rnds of I-cord.
Cut yarn and thread through remain sts with crochet hook or tapestry needle. Wave in yarn ends on wrong side of the beret.
Больше фотографий в проекте на Равелри
Для желающих повторить составила схему:
In English:
Size. Beret is stretchy enough to fit 56 cm head circumference.Materials. 70g Alize Bahar (100% Cotton, 260 m / 100 grams)
US 4 - 3.5 mm 40 cm circular needle
US 6 - 4.0 mm 40 cm circular needle and set of dpns
Stitch marker, tapestry needle.
Cast on With smaller circular needle CO 108 sts. Pm and join in the rnd.
Ribbing setup rnd: {k1, p1} rep around.
Work in est rib for 3 cm.
Setup rnd: Switch to larger circular needle. Evenly add 52 sts in the round. Work rnds 1-57 of Wavy patt, following the chart.
Switch to dpns when work becomes too tight on the circular needle. End with 8 sts.
Next rnd: {k2tog}rep around ( 4sts).
Remove stitch marker. Slip all 4 sts onto 1 dpn and work 4 rnds of I-cord.
Cut yarn and thread through remain sts with crochet hook or tapestry needle. Wave in yarn ends on wrong side of the beret.
Больше фотографий в проекте на Равелри

Оля, классный беретик - спасибо! можно такой к концу августа сделать - будет как раз для прохладного утра:)))
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